About Us
The NZDA Wellington Branch was formed in 1906. As the first branch to be established in the country, in the last 118 years the branch has produced fourteen national Presidents and a host of major contributors to the profession.
Today the branch is vibrant with over 200 members from the greater Wellington region. Our aims are to provide ongoing professional development through regular monthly meetings as well as social events, collegiality, community projects and support for all our members.
Executive Members
NZDA Wellington Branch Benefits
The Wellington Branch of the NZDA is a vibrant community of local dentists and specialists covering the territory from as far as Kapiti Coast, Wairarapa, Hutt Valley and Wellington itself. There are numerous benefits to becoming a member of the NZDA Wellington branch, and this privilege is open to all dentists and specialists who live or work within our territory and who are also members of the NZDA.
The Wellington Branch runs monthly meetings which consist of a dinner (sub paying members are entitled to one free dinner per year*) and a presentation from a speaker to give one hour of CPD. We entice high quality speakers from around the motu and this CPD is offered free as part of your yearly subscription. We aim to provide speakers across a range of disciplines that are all relevant to general practice. For example, last year we enjoyed excellent presentations from Dr Basil Al-Amleh from Auckland, Dr Philip Sussex from Nelson, Dr James Talbot from Wellington, and the always popular presentations by the Young Dentists at the end of the year.
There are options to attend the meeting in person (hosted at the Wellington Club) and all meetings are also offered concurrently on Zoom for those whose other commitments or distance may prevent in person attendance. Zoom members are equally involved in talks, with options to ask questions of the speaker through the chat.
Exclusive early bird access to courses. On occasion the Branch Executive will organise courses and current branch members will always get first dibs on signing up for these, which do sell out. Last year Chris Higgs presented a full day workshop on Motivational Interviewing which was very well received.
*See subs invoice for T&Cs
Receive monthly newsletter via email which will contain information on what is happening within the branch, upcoming meetings, announcements of retirements and awards etc.
Access to the Christmas roster for patients: all dentists have a legal duty of care to provide emergency care for patients or direct them to someone who can should they be unavailable. The Branch organises a Christmas to ensure that your patients can be seen by an emergency dentist if necessary. You will be able to put the emergency number on your answer phone and access the branch website with a list of open dentists.
The Wellington Branch has a newly designed website that is a treasure trove of information. As a member you will be able to sign up for meetings and courses, access past newsletters, and find out what the branch is up to – all from the website
Specialists can list their practice under our Specialist Referrals tab in the website so other members can easily find them. This tab also has details on making hospital referrals.
Dentistry can be a very isolating career, particularly if you work in a small practice. The key thing the NZDA Wellington branch can offer is the opportunity to network and socialise with other local dentists and specialists. We consider ourselves the friendliest branch in the motu!
Monthly meetings and dinners: our monthly meeting includes an (optional but you should come!) dinner served at the Wellington Club prior to the meeting and CPD presentation. This is a chance to mingle with a variety of practitioners in a relaxed environment and share your worries, or your successes, or not to discuss dentistry at all!
Quiz night – in the past few years we have organised the highly successful and popular quiz night. This is designed to be a team event and can be entered with a full work team (including your support staff) or you can join up with other dentists to take everyone else on. The drinks flow freely and much fun is to be had.
Golf day – once a year all the pros and think-they-are-pros get out for 18 holes around the Royal Wellington Golf Club.
President's dinner – at the end of the President’s term (2 years) an evening dinner is organised to celebrate their accomplishments and congratulate them on a job well done. This is a social evening, and is included in your annual branch membership.
Study groups – the branch keeps a list of study groups and is happy to act as a facilitator to match dentists looking for a study group if they need.
Team Day: this has been an event run in the past which is designed to encompass the whole dental team, with topics focussed on sustainability, wellbeing, infectious disease etc. Wellington branch members can attend this at a subsidised price point, and it is always well received by support staff and dentists.
The NZDA Wellington branch endeavours to be a strong member of the local community, and we run various branch initiatives to give back to the community.
Water Fountain: NZDA Wellington has sponsored the installation of permanent water fountains along Oriental Parade and Island Bay to give access fresh, healthy water
Water Fountains: We have also sponsored two portable water fountains that are often found attending sporting events and local festivals to again offer the easy option for people to make the healthy beverage choice at these events.
DCM: The branch is a big supporter of the free dental clinic at DCM. Our branch members volunteer to provide their time and skills helping the Taumai of Wellington to improve their dental health and get them out of pain. This can often be the first contact with a vulnerable population seeking help, and the DCM can then step in to provide further much needed services to get them on the pathway into their own home. We support the DCM with volunteer dentists, dental assistants, and a financial contribution towards materials including raising funds for a new dental chair.
The Wellington Branch will sometimes sponsor a Summer Studentship which gives a young Health Science student the opportunity to carry out a research project over the summer, focussed on the health needs of Wellington and surrounds.
Advocacy – the branch can comment to the media on dental issues in the Wellington region and we provide representation on behalf of the local branch members.
Join The Branch
If you are a NZDA member dentist practising in the greater Wellington region (including Kapiti, Hutt Valley, Porirua, Wairarapa) we would love for you to join us. You will meet many fellow dentists from the region and be able to gain CPD, peer contact, social activities and a network of support.
Branch History
The county’s first dental association was formed in Wellington in 1889, but transport and communication difficulties saw its demise two years later. It took the 1904 Dental Act to encourage the establishment of the NZDA as we know it, and see the building of our first Dental School by 1907. The movers and shakers behind the NZDA had the Wellington Dental Association under way as early as 1906.
The inaugural NZDA Conference of 1905 was also held in Wellington from June 5-8th 1905. The new Association’s central aims were; “the encouragement and diffusion of knowledge in Dental Science, and… the promotion of the honour and interests of the Dental Profession”