– NZDA Wellington Branch –
Where Dentists from the Wellington region gather
Upcoming Events
About Us
The NZDA Wellington Branch was formed in 1906. As the first branch to be established in the country, in the last 116 years the branch has produced fourteen national Presidents and a host of major contributors to the profession.
Today the branch is vibrant with over 200 members from the greater Wellington region. Our aims are to provide ongoing professional development through regular monthly meetings as well as social events, collegiality, community projects and support for all our members.
Community Projects
The Wellington NZDA Branch is a non-for-profit organization and part of our aims are to give back to our local community. We have done numerous projects over the years including funding permanent and portable water fountains, purchasing reusable water kits for schools and painting murals promoting drinking water. We have also partnered with other NGOs such as Kaibosh and donated oral health products (toothbrushes and toothpaste) to food parcels being distributed across the greater Wellington region.
Join The Branch
If you are a NZDA member dentist practising in the greater Wellington region (including Kapiti, Hutt Valley, Porirua, Wairarapa) we would love for you to join us. You will meet many fellow dentists from the region and be able to gain CPD, peer contact, social activities and a network of support.