What is Motivational Interviewing?
Motivational Interviewing (MI) is a collaborative conversation style for strengthening a person’s own motivation and commitment to change. MI began in the addictions field but has since developed into multiple health settings to address a wide range of health behaviours. MI is an effective behaviour change method, which can be utilized in the dental practice setting. It can be used as a brief intervention to increase motivation to improve clients’ oral hygiene behaviours as well as providing a framework for delivering diet, smoking cessation, alcohol advice, oral health, and lifestyle guidance.
About this workshop
This engaging workshop provides the essential skills for practising effective behaviour change consultations. The workshop provides fundamental MI theory but is primarily focused on delivering quality practical learning. The training format includes guided paired exercises, live demonstrations, and real-life scenarios. Attendees reflect on their experiences working with clients as well as their own personal change process to understand what works and what does not when it comes to helping people to change. The workshop embodies the ‘Spirit’ of MI by respecting the experience, ideas, and learning autonomy of attendees.
Workshop aims:
o To be familiar with the fundamental Spirit and Mindset of MI
o Appreciate how MI can be used to improve oral health outcomes
o Understand theoretical explanations for MI
o Identify and practice the micro-skills of MI
o Appreciate how and when MI can work within different dental settings.
o Explain how to provide oral health information and advice in a MI-consistent manner
o Practise combining MI Spirit and skills in a real-life behaviour change session
o Reflect on your current practice and plan your ongoing skill development
Is this for you?
This bespoke workshop is designed for New Zealand Registered Oral Health Practitioners looking for new insights and alternatives to working during their everyday dental practice. It can be particularly helpful with their difficult, anxious, or resistant clients. It will provide opportunities to learn new skills that can be implemented into daily dental practice. A deeper appreciation will be gained about the value of both client and oral health practitioner language and how this can influence the direction of conversations about change.
Workshop numbers: will be limited up to a maximum of 24 participants to create a comfortable and personalised learning environment.
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